
Always at the forefront of updating regulations and industry technologies, our Wastewater team is dedicated to helping communities treat wastewater effectively and efficiently through innovative treatment solutions. We develop systems with the operators and focus on streamlining maintenance needs to keep costs in check. Beyond design, we are also available to support daily operational challenges and help with plant optimization.

Wastewater Services

  • Facility Planning/Engineering Reports
  • Rate Studies
  • Treatment Plant Evaluation and Design
  • Treatment Plant Start-up
  • Large Lift Stations/Forcemains
  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment
  • Biosolids Management and Application
  • Collection System Modeling
  • Manhole Rehabilitation
  • Lagoons
  • Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems
  • Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals
  • Operator Training
  • Construction Contract Administration

Connect with our team on your next Wastewater project