Project Details

The project includes improvements needed for the water treatment plant to have an expanded capacity of 17 MGD total. Improvements are being made throughout the site, with upgrades and expansions being made to every stage of the treatment process. The project includes the following: a new 1.5 MG raw water regulating tank with a new raw water metering vault, an additional surface water treatment train sized for 6 MGD, rehabilitation of existing filtration equipment, a new 500,000 MG clearwell for disinfection, new high service pumps, a new 150,000-gallon washwater recovery basin, and new piping throughout the site. Construction of these improvements began in the spring of 2023 and is expected to be completed by the summer of 2025.

This project has presented challenges unique to making improvements to an existing facility. Design included the analysis of various previous plan sets from past projects and reconciliation of multiple past survey datums to ensure accurate information. Construction on active treatment plant site means that all work must be done while maintaining water service to WEB's customers and requires frequent adjustment to field conditions.