Project Details

The project included a collaborative effort between Banner's various departments, City of Volga and the State of South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (SD DANR). Banner and the City worked with the SD DANR to secure funding for the project through the State SRF Drinking water program. Banner's Water Department and Environmental Department worked together on the report to meet the requirements of the SRF funding.

During the design the survey, civil, structural and water departments all worked together to design the 750,000-gallon water tower for the City of Volga. The structural group not only assisted with the structural design but with the design of the high-performance coating system that is required on the water tower to protect the metal from corrosion and maintain the tower design life. This continued through the construction portion of the project as Banner provided on site RPR services which included NACE staff on site during the coating application.

A unique aspect of the project was a logo design contest held by the City to determine the logo that would be placed on the tank. The winning submission now can be seen on the tank.