Project Details

The City of Viborg has worked feverishly to obtain funding for their many infrastructure projects and their efforts have been rewarded. Banner has assisted the City of Viborg and their planning agency, Southeast Council of Governments (SECOG) to apply for funds through several funding agencies. Banner has either amended or completed facility plans for the Viborg's water distribution, sanitary sewer collection, and storm sewer systems. These documents are used to plan for improvement and secure funding. The following funding mechanisms have been used to fund these projects:

  • Viborg Hwy. 19 Water Distribution and Sanitary Sewer Collection Improvements
    • SD DANR State Revolving Fund
    • SD Governor's Office of Economic Development Community Development Block Grant
  • Viborg Citywide Utility Improvements
    • SD DANR State Revolving Fund
    • SD Governor's Office of Economic Development Community Development Block Grant
  • Viborg Recreational Trail
    • SD DOT Transportation Alternatives Program
  • Viborg Park Avenue Improvements
    • SD DANR State Revolving Fund
    • SD Governor's Office of Economic Development Community Development Block Grant
    • SD DOT Community Access Grant
  • Dakota Avenue & Jorgenson Street Extensions
    • SD Governor's Office of Economic Development Local Infrastructure Improvement Program
    • SD DANR State Revolving Fund