Project Details

Banner's role on the 20th Street S Interchange project comprised of assisting with the design and development of the construction plans and overseeing the construction operations of a $15M interchange connecting the City of Brookings from West to East at 20th Street S as well as adding access for ingress and egress of Interstate 29. The new interchange required mass earth moving of approximately 350,000 cubic yards of borrow embankment material to construct grade separation and tie the new 1-mile of roadway into a 260' long two-span pre-stressed concrete girder bridge. Along with the earth moving and bridge construction, the project included a significant amount of pipe culvert and storm sewer installation for conveyance of drainage as well as installation of traffic signals, roadway lighting, roadway surfacing, addition of a shared use path, fencing, signage, and striping.

On the front end of the project, Banner participated in the environmental compliance efforts during the planning of the project and performed the hydrologic and hydraulic studies of the project area to make determinations on how the construction of an interchange in that location would impact natural local drainage and floodplain levels. Banner participated in project meetings and inspections and led the efforts for producing the Traffic Control, Erosion Control, and Surfacing Plans as well as performed the urban storm sewer modeling and recommended sizing for pipe, inlets, and culverts. Banner led the Utility Coordination meeting efforts and provided the survey support for ROW planning, easement exhibits, and platting documents.

Banner managed the construction of the project as a consultant to the SD DOT. Banner's role comprised of full-time oversight of the construction activities as well as management of additional technicians educated specifically for bridge construction and materials testing on the project. Banner worked with the SD DOT and the design team to evaluate and come to a solution on various items throughout the construction that required field adjustments. Along with having staff on site full time, Banner facilitated project progress meetings and carried through administrative duties of the construction contract which included administering progress reports and pay applications for the Owner's review, formulating Change Order documents, Specification deviations, and project pre- and post-construction paperwork.