Project Details
Banner surveyed the project area, created a hydraulic model, sized structure alternatives, met with the owner and DOT for the TS&L meeting, designed the structure, performed a load rating, prepared the construction documents/plans, reviewed shop drawings, provided on site construction observation, coordinated testing, and provided updates to the client.
The structure is a 287' long, 4-span prestressed girder bridge over the Big Sioux River located on County Road 7 north of Bruce, South Dakota. The structure design consisted of an 8 1/4" concrete deck, a four prestressed concrete girder system, integral concrete abutments, two column concrete bents and bent caps, and a steel pile deep foundation system. A structure load rating was performed using AASHTOWare BrR. Banner created construction documents/plans following DOT format.
For construction administration, Banner reviewed construction submittals including concrete mix design, girder shop drawings, and other materials to ensure the products met the planned requirements and specifications. Banner was on-site to monitor job progress was within specification limits, advise the contractor and project engineer of non-conformance, coordinate material sampling and testing, measure quantities for payment, and assist with the pay applications. Personnel responsible for construction observation have received certified training in accordance with the SDDOT Materials Testing & Inspection Certification Program Manual. Banner communicated progress with the owner throughout construction.
The Big Sioux River is considered a "Topeka Shiner Stream" which means the water needed to be seined to ensure no Topeka Shiners, an endangered species, were killed during construction. This involved Banner's Environmental Team seining inside the cofferdam in the middle of January.
Services Provided
- Rural Roadway Design
- Hydraulics/Hydrology
- Structure H&H
- Bridges/Box Culverts
- Design
- Load Capacity Ratings
- Construction Contract Administration