Project Details

To start the process and to bring both entities into one, Banner created a complete branding identity package with a new title, logo, color story, font style and style guide. Simultaneously, the Banner Strategic Communication team developed a comprehensive website, Brookings Community Construction that detailed the major construction projects, complete with interactive maps, info graphics, and individual informational and project update pages for each project. Banner also established standard communication paths with both entities for regular construction updates, which we then relayed to the community via the website, a subscriber email mailing list, and social media accounts. The website established a “single source of truth” for the Brookings community, by providing timely project updates to keep everyone informed, helping in reducing calls regarding the construction projects to both the City and BMU alike.

Banner also worked with both entities to organize, advertise, and facilitate a public meeting prior to the construction season to inform the public about the upcoming projects and detour routes. This included a QR code to the website, bill stuffers, business card handouts, advertising in newspapers, electronic billboards, kiosk, posters, and social media. For the public open house, stations for each project were designated and staffed by a project engineer to answer the public’s questions. For each station Banner created project boards designed with maps of each project showing the project area, detour routes, and relevant community information as well as creating and providing informational handouts of the project for the public to take.