Project Details
The City and Banner evaluated options and piloted equipment for biosolids handling and disposal. Ultimately, the evaluation recommended installing screw presses to dewater the biosolids. The dewatering process removes excess water, decreasing volume from 12,000 gallons per day to approximately 1,700 gallons per day, reducing hauling costs. Through dewatering, the city also gained the ability to haul biosolids to the landfill when access to agricultural land is limited during the winter and during wet weather patterns. These improvements increased biosolids disposal resiliency by providing operational flexibility and reducing the risk of weather-related impacts.
The project re-purposed the existing digester storage garage to house two screw presses, feed pumps, dewatered solids conveyors, polymer feed systems, polymer storage, room ventilation, electrical, and controls.
Services Provided
- Facility Planning/Engineering Reports
- Municipal Wastewater Treatment
- Biosolids Management and Application
Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems - Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals
- Operator Training
- Construction Contract Administration