Molly Gross

Environmental Scientist


What makes you enjoy working at Banner? I enjoy working at Banner for many reasons! The clients that we work with are great, and we are always striving to provide them with quality work. My coworkers are the best there are, and everyone at Banner is always looking out for one another. My coworkers push me to become better, and they’re always willing to help me when I need it. The work is always fun, and although I have been here for almost a year, I am learning something new all the time!

What inspires you most about your profession? The people I work with! Everyone at Banner is so passionate about their role on the team. Seeing everyone so dedicated to serving those in the community, while also being as environmentally friendly as possible—how could that not inspire you? I would also say where I live. We live on a couple of acres in southwest Minnesota, and the land is breathtaking. Protecting the environment is my entire life.

What was one of the most interesting/best concerts you've been to? The best concert I've ever been to was in July 2022. I was fortunate enough to see my favorite band of all time - The Lumineers. It was in Denver, Colorado, and the energy was something I'll never be able to put into words. Highly recommend!

If you were given one thousand acres of land that you didn't need to pay taxes on but couldn't sell, what would you do with it? Easy! I would open my own animal sanctuary. All animals are accepted and loved at this sanctuary, especially dogs, cats, raccoons, and donkeys!