Melissa Schmidt
ROW Agent
Sioux Falls
What makes you enjoy working at Banner? The feeling of always being supported in what I want to pursue and in achieving my goals. The ever-changing projects that feed a part of me that likes to change things up and do something a little different from day to day. I also enjoy getting to meet new people and the involvement in so many of the communities local to me.
What do you wish you knew more about? Engines/Cars. Growing up with a diesel mechanic for a dad, married to a gearhead, and with a house full of boys; I would love to know more than how to change oil or a tire.
What’s the title of the current chapter of your life? “The Life of the Working Sports-Mom and Her Eternal Battle with Laundry”
What’s the best thing you got from your parents? My faith in God and a killer sense of sarcasm.